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Mobile Drug & Alcohol Testing throughout the UK!

Under the Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) it’s an offence for an employer to knowingly permit the use of controlled substances on their premises.

These days everyone is aware of the impact drugs and alcohol can have on the workplace environment. It doesn’t matter whether an employee takes drugs outside of work, turns up hungover or is drinking on their lunch; alcohol or drug problems in the workplace can have a damaging effect on a company and its employees. This is why regular testing must be part of your health and safety policy and why we provide Mobile Drug And Alcohol Testing throughout the UK for your convenience.

It’s a legal requirement for companies to have a health and safety policy in place and, recently, we have seen a huge increase in the number of insurers that are making it a requirement to have a drug and alcohol policy as well.

Our experience has found that those companies which have a well-defined drug and alcohol policy in place backed up by training, education and regular tests for drugs and/or alcohol often get a better rate of insurance.

We’re able to test for any substance and can offer five different types of drug & alcohol testing:

  • Pre-placement
  • Post-accident
  • Reasonable suspicion*
  • Random
  • Follow up

Not sure what you need? Speak to one of our consultants today!


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Our other Services:

Workplace Testing
& Screening

Health screening primarily focuses on employee’s health, before they start a specific job or task. Health screening allows a company to encourage preventative action before employees start work.

Occupational Health Services & Support

LATUS empowers businesses to think about improving employee health at work, not preserving it. We believe that the best businesses put employee well-being and health first.

Health Surveillance

Health surveillance is the monitoring of the health of employees and carrying out ongoing health checks to ensure that they are protected and supported when working.

Fitness For Work Health Assessments

Ensuring that your team’s working environment is free from any health and safety risks should be a top priority for business owners and managers alike.


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