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What is SEQOHS?

Launched in 2010, SEQOHS sets the standards for occupational health services to deliver a Safe Effective Quality Occupational Health Service and receive accreditation.

Today, the SEQOHS accreditation scheme is an integral part of the occupational health service landscape and the recognised industry standard.

The SEQOHS standards were inspired by Dame Carol Black’s review of the health of Britain’s working-age population, ‘Working for a healthier tomorrow‘ (published in March 2008). The review advocated clear standards of practice and formal accreditation of all providers who support people of working age.

The Faculty of Occupational Medicine (FOM) led the development of the standards and accreditation process. They oversee the standards and have revised them every few years to incorporate legislative changes, the latest ethical considerations and best practices.

Why use a SEQOHS-accredited provider?

SEQOHS accreditation assures that the accredited occupational health provider:

  • Understand the occupational health needs of the organisation they are delivering services for
  • Has had the value of its outputs independently assessed and validated
  • Has staff who are professionally qualified and trained for the work they undertake.
  • Are qualified to act as a ‘competent person’, as defined by the HSE, to advise on protecting the health of employees and supporting those with disabilities in work.
  • Treat the employees of the clients they see professionally and with respect.

If you require a SEQOHS accredited Health Surveillance or Occupational Health need through the LATUS GROUP, we can confirm that the Latus Group company,  Industrial Diagnostics Company, can meet your needs and has been accredited since October 2015.


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