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What is Health Surveillance and why is it required?

At Latus Group, we understand the importance of a healthy and thriving workforce. But did you know that as an employer in the UK, you have a legal responsibility to safeguard your employees’ health and well-being? This is where Health Surveillance comes in.

Health Surveillance is the ongoing monitoring of employee health to identify work-related health risks. It involves a series of assessments and checks designed to:

  • Proactively detect potential health problems caused by work activities
  • Prevent illness and injury by addressing identified risks early on
  • Promote a culture of health and safety within your organisation

Health Surveillance is required by law for any employees who are exposed to any of the following situations:

  • Noise
  • Vibration
  • Ionising radiation
  • Solvents
  • Fumes
  • Dusts
  • Biological agents
  • any other hazardous substances or compressed air.

Regular Health Checks

Carrying out regular health surveillance is important for detecting the early stages of any ill effects of work, allowing early prevention to be put in place. It allows for employees to raise any concerns they might have about work affecting their health, which can provide great feedback for the current control measures that are in place.

Legal Requirement

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) 2002 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) 1999 place legal duties on employers to protect their employees from work-related health risks. Health Surveillance is a key element in fulfilling these obligations.

Risk Assessments

When you carry out risk assessments, these should be to identify what health surveillance is needed for each employee to keep the work force both safe and effective. It is a legal requirement which shouldn’t be used as a wellbeing check or as part of a promotion to healthy living.

Control measures that you may have implemented from your risk assessments are not always reliable control measures and health surveillance can help your company detect any ill health effects as soon as possible.

Hazardous industries range across the board to areas such as, agriculture, motor vehicle repair, foundries, metal work, ceramics, food, welding and construction.

Why choose Latus Group

LATUS provides a full spectrum of occupational health services to keep your business protected and fit for work.

At Latus Group, we have a team of experienced occupational health professionals who can design and implement a comprehensive Health Surveillance program tailored to your specific needs. We offer a range of on-site and remote services to ensure minimal disruption to your workplace.

What does Health Surveillance Entail?

The specific type of Health Surveillance will vary depending on the nature of your workplace and the associated risks. Here are some common examples offered by Latus Group:

  • Musculoskeletal assessments: For jobs with high physical demands, these assessments can identify potential risks for strain or injury.
  • Hearing screenings: Regular checks for employees exposed to loud noises can help prevent hearing loss.
  • Respiratory health surveillance: This is crucial for those working with dust, fumes, or other airborne hazards.
  • Vision screening: Ensuring good eyesight is vital for safety in many roles.
  • Mental health assessments: Workplace stress can be a significant health concern. Health Surveillance can help identify and address mental health risks.

Benefits of implementing Health Surveillance

  • Reduced sickness absence: By identifying and addressing health problems early on, you can minimise the number of workdays lost due to illness or injury.
  • Improved employee well-being: A proactive approach to health demonstrates your commitment to employee well-being, fostering a more positive and productive work environment.
  • Lower healthcare costs: Early intervention can prevent the development of more serious health problems, leading to cost savings on healthcare expenses.
  • Enhanced regulatory compliance: A robust Health Surveillance program demonstrates your commitment to health and safety regulations, reducing the risk of legal repercussions.

Want to know more?

Read our Digital Brochure

Health Surveillance is one of our core services, contact us today to get a Free Quote 01482 633048.
