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Workplace Testing & Screening

Health screening primarily focuses on employee’s health, before they start a specific job or task. Health screening allows a company to encourage preventative action before employees start work.

Screening can give an understanding of the presence of infection or disease among healthy employees who are potentially unaware. Health screening also assess the workplace and helps to manage and understand risks and potential hazards.

Testing & Screening Available

  • Face Fit Testing
  • Drug & Alcohol Screening
  • New Starter Declarations & Exit Medicals
  • Biological Monitoring
  • Vaccinations & Immunisation


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What to Expect in Each Medical:


Face Fit Testing is the process and testing of ensuring the correct fit of RPE (Respiratory Protective Equipment).

Certain job roles and industries require employees to wear particular RPE, in order to protect them from various harmful environments – such as dust and fumes.

If their RPE is not correctly fitted, then the employee could potentially be exposed to hazardous substances, causing ill-health.

RPE Face-Fit-Testing is carried out either on-site or at one of our clinics by a fully trained, qualified and experiences professional.

The test utilises the same RPE that will be worn whilst working on the daily task, which ensures the most accurate testing and outcome.

Employer Face-Fit Test Obligations:

  • A face-fit-test is a legal duty of the employer
  • A risk assessment should be carried out by the employer to determine whether a face-fit-test is required
  • The RPE required is matched top the hazard

Drug & Alcohol Screening

Onsite drug and alcohol testing, both random and for cause.

A company’s drug & alcohol policy is an essential tool with regards to the potential misuse of these substances. Latus health are able to provide efficient screening services that detect all major substances of abuse.

Drug screening procedures are performed utilising either mouth swab or urine samples, and are fully validated with strict chain of custody policies.

Alcohol screening is performed using a calibrated Alcometer.

New Starter Declarations and Exit Medicals

A New Starter Declaration is an electronic questionnaire completed by the employee once they have been offered their new position. This is a vital part of a company’s occupational health processes, as it not only demonstrates an early commitment to the employee health, but also captures the employee’s health status at the start point, and any potential or current issues can be raised and supported early.

Likewise, an Exit Medical records the health status of an employee at the end of their employment, which can help prevent any later litigation.

Benefits of New Starter Declarations

  • Compliance with current Equality Act 2010 legislation
  • Baseline health status
  • Reduce sickness & absence
  • Reduce risk and cost of litigation

Biological Monitoring

Assessing chemical exposures that can either be inhaled or absorbed via the skin.

Biological monitoring involves taking either a blood, urine or breathe sample, and is carried out predominantly in areas that require some form of PPE (personal protective equipment) such as gloves or mask.

Typical checks involve for isocyanates or blood lead.

Vaccinations & Immunisation

Vaccinations can provide protection against various hazards or risks that an employee may be exposed to in the workplace. The employer has a legal duty under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 to protect the health of their employees. Also, under COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002) employers have a legal duty to assess the potential risk of infection for employees that may be affected by their work.

By first understanding the risk, you are then able to implement appropriate safety precautions to protect the employee’s health.


  • On-site immunisation and vaccination programmes
  • Minimal loss in working time/disruption to normal day
  • Ensures maintain compliant under current legislation
  • Healthier workforce
  • Reduced sickness and absence

Vaccinations & Immunisations available:

  • Flu Vaccination
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis A
  • Typhoid
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Our other Services:

Workplace Testing
& Screening

Health screening primarily focuses on employee’s health, before they start a specific job or task. Health screening allows a company to encourage preventative action before employees start work.

Occupational Health Services & Support

LATUS empowers businesses to think about improving employee health at work, not preserving it. We believe that the best businesses put employee well-being and health first.

Health Surveillance

Health surveillance is the monitoring of the health of employees and carrying out ongoing health checks to ensure that they are protected and supported when working.

Fitness For Work Health Assessments

Ensuring that your team’s working environment is free from any health and safety risks should be a top priority for business owners and managers alike.


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Integrated healthcare and wellbeing support for every employee, providing the care you need, when and wherever you need it.